Alleluia Fund

The Alleluia Fund for Outreach supports congregation-based or -affiliated programs providing practical, hands-on support to those most vulnerable in our diocese and internationally. Key areas of support include food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, education for youth and adults, and international programs providing relief and/or support of the Millennium Development Goals.

In order to be eligible for funding, an organization must serve others in the geographic area of the Diocese of Newark (or internationally as described above) and be supported by church(es), clergy or members in the diocese.
Churches must be in compliance with financial reporting obligations, including current parochial reports and audits; pledge card on file; and certification for Safe Church training.
Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to achieve the stated goals of their program.

Applying for an Alleluia Fund Grant
Each year, grant applications will be accepted from August 15 to September 15 at 12 noon (deadline). Site visits will occur in October and/or early November. It is anticipated that grant applicants will make an oral presentation to the grant making board mid-November and grants will be awarded in December. Alleluia Fund Grant requests are capped at $15,000 by Diocesan Council.
Effective April 1, 2023: Applicants to the Alleluia Fund cannot apply for more than three consecutive years. If an applicant applies three consecutive years for funding, they must observe a 2-year hiatus before applying again. This is not retroactive, and the “count” will begin with 2023 applications.
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