The 150th Convention began two days after the 2024 presidential election was decided. Before calling Convention to order, Bishop Hughes asked all Convention attendees to enter into the following Covenant of Safety, based on the Baptismal Covenant.
Before we start our work today, we must acknowledge a need to be aware of who we are and all that we bring into the room with us.
Some of us are excited by the election results and look forward to all that will change.
Some of us are shocked and dismayed by the results and are grieving the loss.
Some of us are terrified by the results and are afraid of potential harm to the life and livelihood they or their loved ones know.
All of this exists in every room we enter. In order to work together we need to make a covenant that we each will uphold. The word “covenant” is used deliberately because it is a holy promise. By holy, we mean dedicated to God. This is more than a promise that we might break by whim or due to difficulty. This is a sacred promise made before God and with each other. We expect God to help us to keep this covenant.
Ours is a covenant of safety. In it we agree to uphold each other’s safety. We do that by focusing our time together with two of the promises in the Baptismal Covenant:
Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
(I will, with God’s help.)Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?
(I will, with God’s help.)
Ask the full group or congregation. Are you willing to uphold this Covenant of Safety where we seek Christ in every person and respect the dignity of all people?
Then let’s begin:
Look at the people at your table, small group, or pew and if you are willing to do so, say to them:
I will uphold this Covenant of Safety with you.
Stand and look at the people in the rest of the room and if you are willing to do so, say to them:
I will uphold this Covenant of Safety with you.
We now have made a sacred and holy covenant between ourselves and God. We have agreed to make this a safe space for all of us. Amen and Thank you.