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Bishop Hughes 150th Convention - Cynthia L. Black

Covenant of Safety

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The 150th Convention took place three days after the 2024 presidential election. Before calling Convention to order, Bishop Hughes asked all Convention attendees to enter into the following Covenant of Safety, based on the Baptismal Covenant.

Justice Ministries

Justice Ministry Spotlight: The Racial History Committee

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Our specific charge is to gather, preserve, and explore the stories, experiences, perspectives, and complexities of race relations between and among Episcopalians in northern New Jersey, with a principal focus on the histories of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color).

Justice Ministries

Justice Ministry Spotlight: Justice in the Strategic Vision

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As part of the effort to raise awareness of justice issues across the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, the Commission for Justice and Peace is spearheading a communications effort to inform people across the diocese about the work of the eight groups leading our diocesan justice ministries and encourage them to get involved.