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Youth event

First Third of Life Survey Results

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In the late summer, the Diocesan Youth Commission issued a congregational survey about ministry to children, families, youth, and young adults. The main purpose of the survey was to learn who was doing these ministries in our congregations and identify people to invite to an expanded First Third of Life Commission, one of the initiatives in the Strategic Vision.

Christ Church, Bloomfield/Glen Ridge banner

Banners that don’t break the budget

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If your congregation is in need of a church banner, don’t let your budget keep you from letting the world see you as well as hear your voice in the community and at the next diocesan event.

Jim Wallis - photo by Cynthia L. Black

Rest, reflection, lament, and love: Jim Wallis’ keynote address at the 150th Convention

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During the Friday evening dinner at the 150th Diocesan Convention, we heard a keynote address by Jim Wallis, the New York Times bestselling author, public theologian, renowned preacher and commentator on ethics and public life. His latest book is The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy. (Time: 43:07.)

Mark Beckwith at the 150th Convention

Bishop Beckwith’s greeting at the 150th Convention

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The Rt. Rev. Mark Beckwith, 10th Bishop of Newark (2007-2018), attended the 150th Diocesan Convention as a guest. At the Friday dinner he spoke briefly reminding us that while the country is in a challenging place, we have the “via media,” or middle way, in our DNA. (time: 2:46.)

Bishop Hughes 150th Convention - Cynthia L. Black

Covenant of Safety

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The 150th Convention took place three days after the 2024 presidential election. Before calling Convention to order, Bishop Hughes asked all Convention attendees to enter into the following Covenant of Safety, based on the Baptismal Covenant.