Bishop Hughes’ Vlog

Vlog (noun): a blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.

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July 15, 2024

Faithful responses to the Trump rally shooting

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump was a shock to all of us. The country and the world have been appalled and saddened that political life in the United States has become characterized by violence.

June 12, 2024

What does summer Sabbath look like for you?

It’s been a busy program year, says Bishop Hughes, and as she did last year, she reminds us to take some Sabbath time this summer to rest, nourish ourselves, and allow God to restore us. (Time: 5:03.)

May 29, 2024

This summer, share your gift of faith

Reflecting on a conversation with a dad who is concerned about nurturing his children to be good, healthy young adults, Bishop Hughes reminds us that we received the gift of faith because someone, somewhere, talked with us about their faith, and encourages us to look for opportunities to talk about faith with young people this summer. (Time: 5:00.)

May 15, 2024

How you can support the newly Confirmed, Received and Reaffirmed

As we near the conclusion of the Confirmation season, Bishop Hughes talks about the excitement of those who have just professed their faith, and what we in their congregation can do to support them in their faith journey. (Time: 4:41.)

May 1, 2024

Two things everyone can do to grow the church

If you want to grow the church, says Bishop Hughes, start by growing your own faith in fellowship with other faithful Christians, which will empower you to talk about faith with others who need to hear the good news that they are loved by God. (Time: 5:31.)

April 17, 2024

Introducing the School for Ministry

Bishop Hughes announces the opening of the Diocese of Newark School for Ministry. Along with training for those seeking ordination as Vocational Deacons, it will offer training for lay people seeking to become licensed Preachers, Worship Leaders, and Pastoral Leaders. (Time: 4:50.)

April 3, 2024

Faith Groups

I hope and pray that every Episcopalian will be in a Faith Group. This practice is usually characterized by 6 – 12 people covenanting to meet regularly to talk about faith.

March 20, 2024

The Reconciliation of a Penitent

In these closing days of Lent, Bishop Hughes recommends meeting with a priest for the Rite of Reconciliation of a Penitent in the Book of Common Prayer as a way to go joyfully into Easter, unburdened from worry, guilt, or regret. (Time: 4:57.)

February 21, 2024

Look for the folks who need to know that they belong

Referencing the fact that in the past year, the United States has experienced the largest number of deaths by suicide than it has in its history, Bishop Hughes urges us, as we move through Lent, to be a little more aware and sensitive to those who might be feeling left out. (Time:3:44.)