Posts by Kendall Freels

Walking the walk

Walking the Walk!

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One of the “best practices” in pledge campaign planning is to take advantage of the power of a strong theme.

Justice Ministries

Justice Ministry Spotlight: Justice in the Strategic Vision

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As part of the effort to raise awareness of justice issues across the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, the Commission for Justice and Peace is spearheading a communications effort to inform people across the diocese about the work of the eight groups leading our diocesan justice ministries and encourage them to get involved.

GC81 Deputation

Hear from the GC81 Deputies

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Near the end of the 81st General Convention in Louisville, KY, five deputies representing the Diocese of Newark shared their experiences and reflections.

Strategic Visioning

Strategic Visioning report and recommendations

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As announced in October, the Strategic Visioning Team presented their recommendations to the diocese’s governing bodies. Diocesan Council has reviewed and discussed these recommendations, and at their November 8 meeting voted unanimously to approve them.

Strategic Visioning

October 2023 update from the Strategic Visioning Team

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A year after the Diocese of Newark launched a visioning process in September 2022, the Strategic Visioning Team presented their recommendations to the diocese’s governing bodies. Their final report is now in the hands of Diocesan Council, which has principal oversight for deciding how the recommended goals and initiatives will be implemented.