Action Groups
Racial Justice & History
Young Voices

At the 150th Convention last November, Bishop Hughes identified seven areas where she urges every parish and member of the diocese to be proactive. Each of these areas will need the fullness of our faithful and prayerful support:

  • Climate
  • Immigration, Migrants, Asylum Seekers
  • Racial Justice & Racial History
  • LGBTQ Support and Advocacy
  • Young Voices
  • Libraries & Literacy
  • Women’s Health & Leadership

Action Groups have formed around these areas, and the first five groups have prepared the recommendations below. These are actions an individual or a parish can take right now. Choose the ones that resonate with you. It is possible that these recommendations may help you think of other actions that you and/or your parish can take. We will share the recommendations of the other groups as soon as they are available.

Updated 1/21/25.


Prior to Earth Day (Tuesday, April 22):

Share educational and faith-based resources on climate change/creation care across the diocese.

Develop alliances with other faith organizations and local government officials in your area.

Identify local community Green Team and Cleanup Day and participate; post event on church website, social media, and bulletins; have your congregation participate or host.

Discuss and plan to eliminate paper and plastic products (if feasible); bring your own reusable mug, cup, cloth napkin, and utensils to church coffee hour.

Use the online Carbon Tracker developed by the Diocese of California and endorsed by The Episcopal Church to measure your carbon footprint.

Immigration, Migrants, Asylum Seekers

Invite Deacon Jill Singleton and guests from The Lighthouse for Asylum-Seekers to your church to learn more about the struggles facing immigrants.

Download and read the PDF Nine Things Your Congregation Can Do to Support Asylum Seekers published by Episcopal Migration Ministries, and use ideas from it to design a Lenten series, coffee hour, worship service, or other event.

Click here to subscribe to the Immigration Task Force & Lighthouse newsletter coming out soon!

Racial Justice & Racial History

Vow of Silence for a Day – Remain silent in speech and social media contact. Write on a card why you are silent this day. As you go about your daily routine, if questioned why you are silent, show the card.

Fasting – Fast to the ability that you can do so, for a period. Again, do so intentionally and write down why you are fasting.

Ringing of Church Bells – Ring the bells of your church at an off-hour from when they normally chime. Communicate to your congregation why the bells are to ring.

Participate in the Martin Luther King March of Resistance – Sponsored by the People’s Organization for Progress (, this march is taking place this Saturday, January 18 at 12 noon, starting at the Martin Luther King Statue, 495 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in Newark.

Episcopal Church Government Relations Briefing – Each Thursday at 1 PM, the Government Relations Office of The Episcopal Church conducts a 30-minute briefing via Zoom on upcoming legislation that affects us. Register here to get the Zoom link.

LGBTQ Support and Advocacy

We encourage churches and individuals to publicly display rainbow flags, pride pins, and other paraphernalia, and to offer printed resources that openly demonstrate that they are safe, welcoming communities, spaces, and people.

We encourage churches to intentionally invite representatives of the queer community and their allies to preach, speak, and share their stories in worship, formation, and academic/educational settings.

We encourage the Regional Ministry Networks and individual churches to host social events specifically for the queer community in their areas, so that LGBTQ+ persons have safe places to connect and organize.

Young Voices

Appoint or select youth from each Regional Ministry Network to be on the Youth Team of the First Third of Life Commission, with voice to help plan and implement youth events/activities.

Share throughout the diocese a single resource for what’s working with youth.

Use social media to meet youth where they are.