Several action groups related to our call to be responsive to the needs of God’s children in the world came out of our November 2024 Diocesan Convention. One of these was the Women’s Healthcare & Leadership Action Group. The diocesan Anti-Sexism Task Force (ASTF) was asked to lead this new group, with the charge of identifying some initial steps parishes can do in this area.
The ASTF gathered to work on an initial agenda for the larger group, polling those who had indicated an interest to identify their desire to work in specific areas:
- Reproductive Healthcare (abortion rights)
- Reproductive Healthcare (pre/postnatal)
- Healthcare General (testing, diagnostic response to women patients, etc.)
- Leadership (church & secular)
- Violence Against Women
The full Action Group met the last week in January, and from that meeting the name of the group was changed to Women’s Rights Action Group. The reason for the change is that the previous name did not encompass some of the critical issues facing women and girls today, including violence and poverty.
The Action Group also determined that the following would be recommended to parishes to consider doing in the month of March, which is Women’s History Month. However, due to some unexpected scheduling issues, there was a delay in getting this information out to everyone. Still, it is hoped that these actions, whether in March or another time, will engage the people of God in the work of God on behalf of women and girls. The actions are:
- The Gender Equality Initiative in International Affairs provides links to organizations engaged in Women’s Rights advocacy efforts, and is a good place to get educated on the issues and suggestions for getting engaged.
- Sign up for the Anti-Sexism Training of our own diocese and/or get engaged in their work.
- Watch the documentary The Philadelphia Eleven, or host a screening.
- Partner with:
- Pray for women’s health and leadership rights – especially during March.
Future work of the Women’s Rights Action Group will also include disparities in healthcare, homelessness, reproductive rights, human trafficking, women of color, LGBTQ+ women, and women in the workforce (including both church and secular).