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I Love Getting Out of Bed in the Morning...


One of my worksites is in a group home with 4 DDD (Dept. of Developmental Disabilities) boys. They are in their upper teens, and I've grown to adore them. Two of them are quite verbal, while the other two aren't so much. Today, we had a new staff member who was there for the first time. One of our less verbal boys was singing, one was repeating the same phrase over and over, and the other two were watching a movie and talking. I was looking at the house through the new staff's eyes. He just looked at me wide-eyed and said, "Is it always this chaotic?" I laughed and admitted that no, it wasn't, but it's always fun. I just love going to work, and I have so much fun with the kids and staff, even if they are repeating the same phrase 400 times.

I know that I want to work in a place like YCS when I'm done with this program. The kids are great, the staff is great, and I feel great going there everyday. I'm so glad that I have a job that I look forward to in the morning, one that keeps me getting out from under my warm snuggly blanket to face the autumn weather. laugh Just wanted to share that with y'all.

In Peace,

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