Private piety, public faith

On Ash Wednesday, Bishop Hughes reminds us that making a bold statement about our faith is especially important in the world that we’re in right now. Our piety, prayer, fasting, giving – all of that can remain private, but our faith needs to be something that people can see. (Time: 5:29.)


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Ashes to Go
& Parish Lenten Events

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and concludes on Holy Saturday, April 19 (the day before Easter Sunday).

Many of our parishes are offering Ashes to Go at train stations or outside their church buildings, giving busy people the opportunity to start their Lenten journey with a brief moment of ashes and prayer.
Ashes to Go locations & times

Our parishes are also offering a wide variety of Lenten Events, from Stations of the Cross, to retreats, book groups, organ recitals and Evensongs, both in-person and online.
Upcoming Lenten events

Photo: Ashes to Go in Hoboken, courtesy All Saints’, Hoboken.

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