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Convention worship offering designated to programs benefiting children in NJ and Cameroon

Michael Francaviglia, Director of Administration & Secretary of Convention

The offering from the 139th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark will be divided equally between the Good Shepherd Academy of the Good Shepherd Home for Children in Cameroon and Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center.

The Good Shepherd Academy

The Good Shepherd Academy is a ministry of the Good Shepherd Home for Children in Cameroon. Sr. Jane Mankaa’s far-reaching vision extends to building the first Anglican Secondary School in Cameroon. Today, the children must walk ten miles to and from school. This residential school will provide an American-style education to orphans of the Good Shepherd Home, orphans in Cameroon and paying students.

The Good Shepherd Home for Children is located in the North West Province of Cameroon, an area in West Africa where an estimated 50,000 children are orphaned. Over 100 of those children have found a home at Good Shepherd where they are sheltered, fed, clothed, educated and most of all, loved. Sister Jane Mankaa, founder of the Home, does not turn any child away and no child is put up for adoption. The children truly live in a loving family environment with a hundred brothers and sisters.

Good Shepherd receives assistance from St. Peter’s, Essex Fells; Christ Church, Short Hills; and Grace Church, Madison.

Cross Roads Camp & Retreat Center

The camp is a blessing to children, youth, adults and congregations in our diocese and the New Jersey Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, our ecumenical partners in this ministry. One of the wonderful aspects of the camp is its location on 250 mountaintop acres in the beautiful Highlands of northwestern New Jersey. One of the challenges of the location can sometimes be the hardships created by being in the remote and tree-filled portion of our Garden State.

In recent weeks, the grounds and buildings have sustained damage from storms and other weather related occurrences. Some of the costs of the repairs can be recovered through insurance coverage. Others, such as debris clearing and certain equipment, cannot be so easily reimbursed.

Cross Roads hosts Vestries, youth groups, Sunday school classes and teachers, and church committees from both the diocese and the synod throughout the year for retreats, camping programs and spiritual gatherings. During the year, the diocesan youth and young adult ministry program holds its annual middle school and high school retreats and an all age leadership development retreat that has included topics on peer ministry and anti-racism dialogues.

The diocese has a commitment to children and youth and Cross Roads is an essential part of our ministry to young people.

All the people God has given us: brothers, sisters for all time. Loving family. Glimpse of Heaven. Jesus says, "You are all mine." – excerpt from the camp song.