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Lights, Camera, Action – Time for Nominations

Lights, Camera, Action – Time for Nominations
Michael Francaviglia, Director of Administration & Secretary of Convention

At the 139th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Newark, elections will be held for a variety of diocesan offices. New this year will be the opportunity for candidates to videotape their statements for the website.

The nominations may be made before the deadline of November 30 through a self-nominating process using the online form at

For the qualifications of nominees to elected offices and a list of committees that are seeking qualified candidates, visit

Candidates are invited and strongly encouraged to tape a 60- to 90-second presentation for the diocesan website. The comments should be rehearsed before the taping because they cannot run longer than 90 seconds. The video presentations will not be edited.

The taping will be done by Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications, in her office in Episcopal House during the week of December 10-13. The videos will be available on the website the week of January 7 for viewing by the deputies. Please contact Nina at or 973-430-9907 to schedule your time.

The nominations committee seeks diversity in the slates of candidates with regard to race, age (16+), gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, economic backgrounds and theological viewpoints.