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March 13, 2016

For many years now my daily practice has been to read the appointed lessons and then to record my response/reaction to those lessons. Some days I...

March 12, 2016

My heart, O God, is steadfast;
I will sing and make music with all my soul.

Awake, harp and lyre!
I will awaken the dawn....

A post-it reminder upon which is written "To do: LOVE"
March 11, 2016

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles,...

March 10, 2016

"Who do people say I am?" Even Jesus’ closest friends initially saw him as one who has come back…John the Baptist, or Elijah, or the prophets....

Close up of an opened eye with a rainbow colored contact lens.
March 9, 2016

In the Gospel reading for today from Mark, we experience a message from Jesus about “seeing.”

The disciples are in a boat and forget to...

March 8, 2016

In every life there comes a point when too much is truly too much. I’m thinking of my art studio, which is also a collecting point for future...

March 7, 2016

Senator Howard Baker once asked, “What did [he] know and when did he know it?” He wasn’t speaking about Jesus, but many people have asked that...

March 6, 2016

We are blessed many times over and we claim the blessings.
Future generations will acknowledge the hand of God upon them.
They will...

March 5, 2016

Lord, you have been our dwelling-place
in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,

4 concrete benches on boardwalk overlooking beach; 2 facing the other direction.
March 4, 2016

I hurt my foot. I can’t walk up or down the very hills of the town where I live. I have no car. In order to do the most basic of things-go to work...
