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Workshop with Ana Hernandez: Creating Christian Community through Sound and Silence

Ana Hernandez at Diocesan Convention 2011. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Sat, Oct 29 2011, 10:00am to 3:30pm

A team-oriented workshop for clergy, music ministers, and lay leaders, co-sponsored by All Saint's, Hoboken and the Episcopal Diocese of Newark.

The purpose of this workshop is to help ordained leaders, music leaders, and lay leaders work collaboratively to develop liturgy and music that create, deepen, and grow diverse community grounded in the love of Christ and released by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Goals: To expose participants to a variety of different resources (old and new) for congregational music; to help participants explore how to use these resources to help their congregations explore and expand their music identities, and to more comfortably draw new people(s) into their community through their liturgy and music; to provide clergy, musicians, and lay people with an experience of working collaboratively in the development of liturgy and music that they can take back to their congregations.

Target Audience: Ordained leaders, music leaders, worship committees, lay leaders involved in liturgy or music.

Please register by calling 201-792-3563 or emailing Please send your name(s) along with contact information.

A donation of $15 per person is requested to help us defray costs. Teams of three or more persons from a congregation can register for $10 a person.

Hoboken is a very walkable town and we encourage people to use public transportation. Parking is extremely limited to public garages.

People will have the opportunity to purchase their own lunch at one of the many local vendors on Washington St. or you may bring a bag lunch with you.

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