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Deadline for Congregational Pledges for 2014

Mon, Dec 2 2013, 5:00pm

Letters regarding congregational pledges to the diocese for 2014 have been mailed to all clergy, wardens and treasurers of each congregation. In the letter – which is signed by Bishop Beckwith, the CFO, President of the Standing Committee, and Vice President of Diocesan Council – congregations are invited to “reflect on the work of the Diocese just as you consider all you do” at each church in the diocese. “As a diocese, we grow stronger as we work together. As we Dare to Be Disciples of Christ, we have faith that God will guide us to a new and better place as each of our congregations and our Diocese are faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to us. It is our need to give that forms the foundation of our Christian lives, and strengthens us and helps us to grow.”

The letter includes a pledge statement which is to be completed and submitted to the Finance Office by Monday, December 2, 2013.

Any questions should be directed to Paul Shackford, diocesan Chief Financial Officer, at 973-430-9983 or

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