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Confirmation Retreat, Districts 1, 5, 6 & 8

Confirmation Retreat
Fri, Mar 1 2013, 12:00am to Sat, Mar 2 2013, 12:00am

The Bishop strongly urges EVERYONE preparing for Confirmation, Reception or Reaffirmation of their baptismal vows this year to attend one of these Retreats. YOUTH will attend an overnight retreat from Friday evening to Saturday afternoon. ADULTS will have their own 90 minute session with the Bishop on the Saturday afternoon of the retreat.

Confirmation Retreats begin on Friday evening at 7 p.m. and end at 2 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. Congregations are assigned to retreats based on the dates on which they are being confirmed. If your assigned date is inconvenient you may attend on a different date.

Please see the chart below for district assignments, registration deadlines and fees.  Scholarships are available.  The general diocesan scholarship policy is 1/3 from the participant, 1/3 from the congregation and 1/3 from the diocese.

Retreat Date

March 1-2, 2013

March 15-16, 2013

April 12-13, 2013

Retreat Location

St. James’ Church,
581 Valley Rd.,
Upper Montclair

Christ Church,
400 Ramapo Ave.,
Pompton Lakes

St. Elizabeth’s Church,
169 Fairmount Rd.,

Districts Assigned

1, 5, 6 & 8

2, 4 & 9

3, 7 & 10

Early Bird Registration Deadline1

February 1, 2013

February 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

Early Bird Registration Fees

Youth Candidates: $33

Chaperones: $18

Adult Candidates: $10

Youth Candidates: $33

Chaperones: $18

Adult Candidates: $10

Youth Candidates: $33

Chaperones: $18

Adult Candidates: $10

General Registration Deadline2

February 22, 2013

March 8, 2013

April 5, 2013

General Registration Fees

Youth Candidates: $45

Chaperones: $27

Adult Candidates: $20

Youth Candidates: $45

Chaperones: $27

Adult Candidates: $20

Youth Candidates: $45

Chaperones: $27

Adult Candidates: $20

1 Registration fees are discounted through the early bird registration deadlines. After those dates the general registration fees apply.

2 The general registration deadline is the absolute deadline. We cannot accept any walk-ins or other registrations after that deadline.

Adults who will be confirmed, received or reaffirmed will have lunch together and meet with the Bishop as a group to discuss their respective faith journeys and explore what it means to be an Episcopalian. Likewise, youth will enjoy time with their peers and the Bishop. They’ll also explore the ways in which their membership in the Anglican Communion makes them part of a church that is much bigger than their own congregations and learn about ministry opportunities for young people in this diocese.


We ask the congregations’ confirmation teachers to chaperone this retreat in a ratio of 1 adult for every 5-7 youth. This facilitates the youths’ participation as it ensures that they can have timely discussions about the ways in which their diocesan confirmation experience relates to their congregational and individual journeys. All chaperones must have completed the FREE Safeguarding God’s Children training within the last 5 years.

Registration forms

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