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Clergy Conference 2015 at the Shawnee Inn

The Shawnee Inn
Mon, Oct 26 2015, 4:00pm to Wed, Oct 28 2015, 1:30pm
Shawnee Inn
1 River Road
Shawnee , PA 18356 ,

The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts SchoriClergy Conference 2015 will feature the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, in her last visit to our diocese during her final week as Presiding Bishop.

Bishop Katharine will address the conference at 4 PM on Monday.

Tuesday night after dinner, the Rev. Chuck Hatfield’s classic rock band Walkin’ the Boulevard will play an extended set of songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s for your dancing and listening pleasure.

It is Bishop Beckwith’s hope and expectation that every member of the clergy (not employed outside the church) will make every effort to attend.


Register online no later than 5 PM on Friday, September 18.

Full instructions

Download the PDF attached below for full instructions from Kay Lark, Bishop Beckwith's Executive Assistant.

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