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Canonical deadline for 2013 Parochial Reports

Canonical deadline
Sat, Mar 1 2014, 5:00pm

Each congregation is required by The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Newark to file the annual Parochial Report for the year 2013 by March 1, 2014. This report contains information regarding church statistics (attendance, number of services, baptisms, and other statistical data) and financial information, as well as information regarding clergy serving the congregation.

The report is filed online at Should a church need its UEID or PIN in order to access the online report, or have any questions regarding completing the report, contact Paul Shackford, diocesan Chief financial Officer. 

We also invite each congregation to complete “Page 5” which gives each church the opportunity to tell their stories of mission and transformation. Page 5 is a separate document which can be accessed here.

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