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Cross Roads' Giant Church Picnic

Cross Roads' Giant Church Picnic
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Celebrate the end of summer and the wonderful ministry at Cross Roads with awesome people from the dioceses of Newark and New Jersey and the Lutheran Synod. Enjoy great camp activities: canoeing, swimming, high ropes, and more, plus great fellowship and walks in the woods. Church groups, families, and individuals are welcome.


Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 09/02/2015

Youth Anti-Racism Dialogue

Youth Anti-Racism Dialogue
Friday, October 9, 2015 to Sunday, October 11, 2015

Recent events in our country have reminded us that issues of race and culture still affect our young people. Gifted facilitators will lead us in meaningful and fun discussions and exercises that will help people from age 12 - 33 explore these issues in a safe, supportive and Christian environment.


Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 08/21/2015

Christophany #16

Youth at Christophany #15 in October 2014
Friday, October 16, 2015 to Sunday, October 18, 2015

Christophany is a fun, faith-filled weekend away for youth in grades 6-8. Older teens lead them in songs, games and conversations about how faith fits into their everyday lives. What could be better than that?!


Featured Event: 
Featured Slide Title: 
Register by October 3 for Christophany, a fun, faith-filled weekend for grades 6-8
Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 10/03/2014

Diocese to send 11 young observers to General Convention

General Convention 2015
Kaileen Alston, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Some of the youth and young adult observers talk with Bishop Beckwith

Our diocese will send 11 young people – nine youth and two young adults – to General Convention, accompanied by two chaperones. Each participant is involved in his or her home congregation, and about half are active in diocesan youth ministry as well. While at General Convention they will attend legislative hearings in the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, participate in committee hearings and worship, meet other church leaders and observe our church’s polity.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 06/23/2015
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 06/23/2015

Confirmation Service for Districts 1 & 5

Sunday, April 24, 2016

For youth 18 and under to be confirmed in 2016, a registration form must be submitted no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. Youth must be in 8th grade or higher to be eligible for Confirmation.

Registration forms for adults to be confirmed/received/reaffirmed in 2016 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/16/2012

Confirmation Service for District 4

Saturday, April 23, 2016

For youth 18 and under to be confirmed in 2016, a registration form must be submitted no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. Youth must be in 8th grade or higher to be eligible for Confirmation.

Registration forms for adults to be confirmed/received/reaffirmed in 2016 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/16/2012

Confirmation Service for Districts 3 & 7

Sunday, April 17, 2016

For youth 18 and under to be confirmed in 2016, a registration form must be submitted no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. Youth must be in 8th grade or higher to be eligible for Confirmation.

Registration forms for adults to be confirmed/received/reaffirmed in 2016 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/16/2012

Confirmation Service for Districts 2 & 6

Saturday, April 16, 2016

For youth 18 and under to be confirmed in 2016, a registration form must be submitted no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. Youth must be in 8th grade or higher to be eligible for Confirmation.

Registration forms for adults to be confirmed/received/reaffirmed in 2016 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/16/2012

Confirmation Service for District 9

Sunday, April 10, 2016

For youth 18 and under to be confirmed in 2016, a registration form must be submitted no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. Youth must be in 8th grade or higher to be eligible for Confirmation.

Registration forms for adults to be confirmed/received/reaffirmed in 2016 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/16/2012

Confirmation Service for Districts 8 & 10

Saturday, April 9, 2016

For youth 18 and under to be confirmed in 2016, a registration form must be submitted no later than Friday, November 20, 2015. Youth must be in 8th grade or higher to be eligible for Confirmation.

Registration forms for adults to be confirmed/received/reaffirmed in 2016 must be submitted no later than Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/16/2012


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