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Introducing the COVID Creations Project: Telling our story in a time of pandemic


COVID Creations
COVID Creations: Telling our story in a time of pandemic

It is important for us to find ways to tell the story of these challenging times, even as we live through them.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Wed, 06/10/2020
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 06/10/2020

Come Holy Spirit

From Canon Wright
The Rev. Canon Dr. Andrew R. Wright
Come Holy Spirit

This time of year – between Ascension Day last Thursday and the Day of Pentecost next Sunday – I'm always intrigued by this in-between time, between Jesus' Ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Ascension is the withdrawal of the Incarnate One, Jesus in his human body, from our world. There is a specificity, a concreteness to that historical Jesus that we long for, in some ways, but is elusive for us.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 06/09/2020
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 06/09/2020

Suddenly busy food pantry needs volunteers


Stories from Our Congregations
Nina Nicholson
The Rev. Rod Perez-Vega (right) accepts a donation of food from a State Senate candidate, who ran a food drive as part of her campaign. PHOTO SOURCE: FACEBOOK

The Rev. Rod Perez-Vega says the food pantry at St. John’s Church in Dover, where he is rector, didn’t used to be as big as it is now.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 06/09/2020
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Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 06/09/2020

Yes, we're in the wilderness – but we do not walk alone

Select blog: 
Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Hughes

Like Jesus being tempted in the wilderness, during this pandemic we are in a wilderness being tempted by fear, worry and sorrow – but we do not walk alone. God is doing a work of transformation in us, and guiding our journey forward into the new church, the church that God needs us to be. (Time: 8:42.)

Video Transcript

This is Bishop Hughes in the Diocese of Newark. And I want to talk with you about these past nine weeks, this journey that we have been on – in particular the way in which this journey is viewed by me as the spiritual leader of this diocese.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 06/18/2020

No one leaves Holy Trinity empty-handed these days


Stories from Our Congregations
Mary Frances Schjonberg
A long line of people wait for meals provided by the food ministries at Holy Trinity Church in West Orange. PHOTO COURTESY HOLY TRINITY, WEST ORANGE.

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing outreach across The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Newark, and the 16-year-old food ministry at Holy Trinity in West Orange is no exception.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 06/02/2020
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Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 06/02/2020

Sing a new church

From Canon Clark
The Rev. Canon Margo Peckham Clark
Sing a new church

Do you remember before you learned to walk? I do not. There are other things that my memory does not give a “before” context. I cannot remember a time before singing, before singing sacred music even, and I don’t remember a time before loving beautiful buildings, church decorations or those things together with music. These things grew up alongside my faith. I am a woman in a line of church musicians and singers, my earliest memories are of being a toddler in darkened concert halls and churches listening to choral music being rehearsed or of my Nana playing hymns.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 06/01/2020
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 06/01/2020

An important message from Bishop Hughes: Considerations before gatherings can resume


May 18, 2020

Dear Companions on the Journey,

We are not the first of God’s people to be displaced and sent on a journey into unknown land. Abraham, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, and the Magi all set out without a map. Most started without knowing their destination, although the Magi followed a star. Our sacred text, traditions, and history show us that God guided them to the places God prepared for them.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 06/01/2020
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 06/01/2020

Food insecurity amidst pandemic - here's what we can do

Select blog: 
Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Canned food

There is a hunger emergency going on in our state right now as a result of the pandemic and the large number of people who have lost their jobs. Bishop Hughes reminds us that one of the ways that we love our neighbors is to help them have enough food to eat.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 06/11/2020

Holy Manna

From Canon Wright
The Rev. Canon Dr. Andrew R. Wright
Bread and wine

The powerful responsibility of Christians to respond to those in need is first and foremost about love – God’s love for us enacted by our showing love to others – but it is also wound up in our basic identity as those who gather at Christ’s table.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 05/25/2020
Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 05/25/2020

God's providence is so vast


Stories from Our Congregations
Mary Frances Schjonberg
canned food

The Friday Soup Kitchen at St. Andrew’s, Newark, reminds the Rev. Sylvester Ekunwe, the church’s Vicar, of the miracle of the loaves and the fishes.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 05/26/2020
Tag Churches/Organizations
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Featured Settings
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 05/26/2020


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