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Commission on Ministry

Discernment documents due

Friday, April 13, 2012

Entire package of documents, including signed and dated Discernment Committee report and endorsement by vestry, must be received by Documents Chair and Bishop’s Office no later than April 13, 2012***ABSOLUTE DEADLINE.  (Note: This may require a special vestry meeting.)

Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 12/04/2011

Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Right Reverend Mark M. Beckwith
with great joy

will ordain to
the Sacred Order of Deacons

Keun-Joo Christine Pae
Rod Perez-Vega
Diana Lori Wilcox

Saturday, June 2, 2012
10:00 a.m.
Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral
608 Broad Street
Newark, New Jersey
Your prayers and presence are requested.

Laity: Red Ties, Scarves, Jackets
Clergy: Red or Festive Stoles
Vesting at 24 Rector Street

Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 10/22/2011


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