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Workshop with Ana Hernandez: Creating Christian Community through Sound and Silence

Ana Hernandez at Diocesan Convention 2011. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Saturday, October 29, 2011

A team-oriented workshop for clergy, music ministers, and lay leaders, co-sponsored by All Saint's, Hoboken and the Episcopal Diocese of Newark.

The purpose of this workshop is to help ordained leaders, music leaders, and lay leaders work collaboratively to develop liturgy and music that create, deepen, and grow diverse community grounded in the love of Christ and released by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Featured Event: 
Featured Slide Title: 
October 29 Workshop with Ana Hernandez: Creating Christian Community through Sound and Silence
Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 10/29/2011

From St. John's, Boonton: "The week it was unthinkable to do anything else BUT love our neighbors"

The Rev. Laurie Wurm, Rector, St. John's, Boonton
Hands holding candle during vigil

The murder of Nazish Norani late in the evening on Tuesday, August 16, happened one block away from St. John’s Church in Boonton. Our driveway was sealed with crime tape. Morris County’s Criminal Investigation and several news vans were parked in front of our church for a week.

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Featured Slide Title: 
From St. John's, Boonton: "The week it was unthinkable to do anything else BUT love our neighbors
Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 09/27/2011

St. Peter’s, Morristown, commemorates 9/11 with worship and an act of service

Sharon SHeridan /
9/11 anniversary service at St. Peter's Church in Morristown. PAUL HAUSMAN PHOTO

United Airlines flight attendant Georgeina Day DuFresne of Morris Plains was in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001. She had just thanked God for a beautiful day and was anticipating flying home to be with her daughter, Sara. “Then I watched the plane hit the tower.”

On Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011, DuFresney donned her flight uniform and sat in the front row at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Morristown to remember the colleagues she had lost.

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Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 10/19/2011

Building Bridges Between Faiths, Diocese Reaches Out To Muslims

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Kirk Petersen
Interfaith panel discussion hosted by Trinity Church in Allendale December 2010.

In Ridgewood, a Muslim group holds regular meetings, rent-free, at St. Elizabeth’s.

In Kinnelon, an interfaith vigil is held at St. David’s in response to a Quran-burning incident.

In Allendale, a Muslim-Christian interfaith discussion panel is organized at Trinity in response to controversy over plans to build an Islamic center near Ground Zero.

In Montclair, the rector of St. John’s attracts both hostility and support after hosting an interfaith service that began with the Muslim call to prayer.

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Feature: "Building Bridges Between Faiths, Congregations Reach Out To Muslims"
Featured Expiration: 
Sat, 10/01/2011

September 11 Marks 50-Year Milestone At St. Barnabas’, Newark

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Forrest Drennen, St. Barnabas, Newark
Rev. Pierson moments his arrest in a Jackson, MS bus terminal, September 1961.

While September 11 will forever conjure up images of the terrorist attacks of 2001, that date has another association for the congregation of St. Barnabas’ Church in Newark. For on September 11, 1961, an interracial group of 27 Episcopal priests boarded a bus in New Orleans, and headed north to General Convention held in Detroit. En route this group, known as the “Prayer Pilgrimage,” made history by ending segregation in all bus and train terminals throughout the South.

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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 10/13/2011

A Living Legacy


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Barbara Davey
Leroy May standing outside All Saints' Church, Millington.

When Leroy May was searching for a way to honor his wife’s memory with a meaningful tribute, he did not have to look further than the parish hall at All Saints’ Church in Millington. Both Leroy and his wife, Delano, had been members of the congregation for many years. And since her retirement, Delano had played a very active role in the life of the parish.

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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 10/13/2011

Mary McManus Finds Her Ministry In Workshop For Kids With Special Siblings


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Mary McManus, Grace Church, Madison
Mary McManus with her children and her sister Jane. JOHN MCMANUS PHOTO

Editor’s Note: Whether it’s traveling to Panama to improve the living conditions at a companion diocese or driving to a local soup kitchen to feed the homeless, members of the Diocese of Newark are discovering ministries around the world or around the corner. And sometimes a ministry can find you, no travel required, because it’s been within your heart forever. Such is the case with Mary McManus, who founded a ministry for kids with special siblings. Here is her story.

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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 10/13/2011

Bell At All Saints’, Hoboken Rings In Remembrance Of Those Lost On 9/11

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Barbara Davey
Bell presented to All Saints' by its 9/11 Support Group. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the verse, “For bells are the voice of the church, for they have tones that touch and search the heart of the young and old.” With the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on our nation upon us, that passage is especially poignant to those at All Saints’ Episcopal Parish in Hoboken, as that congregation takes time to remember the day, to honor the memory of those lost, and to continue to rebuild their lives.

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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 10/13/2011


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