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Registration deadline for adult confirmands

Friday, February 28, 2014

Thanks to all who sent in their best estimates on adult confirmations. Now is the time to get specific! Please submit the names of any adults who are going to be confirmed, received or reaffirmed in Spring 2014. The registration form is the same as the one used for youths and it is due on Friday, February 28.

Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 03/16/2014

Application deadline for the Young Adult Pilgrimage to Taizé with the Bishop

Friday, February 28, 2014

This is a rare opportunity to visit the joy-filled community in France that welcomes Christians of all denominations with our Bishop for for 9 days, Saturday, July 19 - Sunday, July 27, 2014.

Featured Expiration: 
Sun, 03/16/2014

Recharge your car along with your soul: GreenFaith comes to Morristown churches

In the News
Kevln Coughlin / Morristown Green

[Morristown Green] Pretty soon, visitors to Morristown’s Episcopal Church of the Redeemer may be recharging their cars along with their souls.

A free charging station for electric vehicles–believed to be the first in town–is coming to the church driveway within a few weeks, said the Rev. Cynthia Black, the church’s rector.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 02/17/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 02/17/2014

Congregation ministry transitions approved by the 140th Annual Convention

Convention News
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Montville/Lincoln Park

One important responsibility of Convention deputies is to vote upon resolutions consolidating two congregations into one, as well as the N.J. State-required “extinct mission resolution” for congregations whose ministry has concluded.

At the 140th Annual Convention, deputies adopted resolutions approving the consolidation of Church of the Transfiguration, Towaco and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Lincoln Park, New Jersey into Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Montville/Lincoln Park, and officially closing Christ Church, Belleville and St. John’s, Union City.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Thu, 02/13/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 02/13/2014

Video: The Incarnation, Jersey City choir rocks the house at Convention!

Convention Video
Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications & Technology

The choir of Church of the Incarnation in Jersey City rocked the house at Convention with their powerful Gospel tunes.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Thu, 02/13/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 02/13/2014

Mission Minutes 2014: The Needs of Children: Back Pack Program & Cameroon Ministry

140th Annual Diocesan Convention
John Rollins & Jan Paxton
Mission Minutes 2014

Daring to be disciples of Jesus entails listening to and being changed by the stories of one’s communities. We hear often of the needs of children. In this Mission Minute we see how St. James’ in Hackettstown (with their Summer Backpack Food Program) and the Community of St. John Baptist and Church of the Redeemer in Morristown (through their  support of the Good Shepherd Home in Cameroon) offer response to the needs of children here and abroad.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Sat, 02/08/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 11/08/2017

Mission Minutes 2014: Listening to Scripture

140th Annual Diocesan Convention
John Rollins & Jan Paxton
Mission Minutes 2014

Daring to be disciples of Jesus encourages listening to and being changed by Scripture. In this Mission Minute, we can see how programs such as the Bible Challenge, Education for Ministry (EfM) and Redeemer Church’s “Season of Sacred Story” present exciting opportunities.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Sat, 02/08/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 11/08/2017

Mission Minutes 2014: Taking the Altar into the World: Ashes to Go

140th Annual Diocesan Convention
John Rollins & Jan Paxton
Mission Minutes 2014

Daring to be disciples of Jesus challenges us to listen to and be changed by the stories in your communities. In this Mission Minute we see three congregations – Christ Church, Bloomfield-Glen Ridge, St. John’s, Ramsey, and Calvary Church, Summit – take the Altar into the World with Ashes to Go.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Sat, 02/08/2014
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Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 11/08/2017


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