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Bishop Hughes

Holy Week is busy. Take time to reflect anyway.

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog

In her message for Holy Week 2019, Bishop Carlye Hughes says, "It's an important thing to do especially when one is busy, to remember who you are and who has created you and what that God has created you to do in the world."

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 05/16/2019

A woman's place is in the House... of Bishops

Female bishops and bishops-elect at the House of Bishops meeting at Kanuga, March 14, 2019. SHARON JONES PHOTO

Six days after International Women's Day, all the many female bishops and bishops-elect attending the House of Bishop's Meeting at Kanuga, including our own Bishop Carlye, gathered for group photos taken by Sharon Jones, Executive Coordinator to the Presiding Bishop.

A separate photo shows Bishop Carlye with her fellow members of the Class of 2019 – the first class to be composed equally of women and men.

See the gallery below for photos and captions.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 04/01/2019
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Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 04/01/2019

Five Gatherings for Breaking Bread with Bishop Carlye

Breaking Bread with Bishop Carlye

All gatherings have reached capacity and registration is now closed.

Bishop Carlye has said several times that she has “fallen in love with the people of the Diocese of Newark” and she wants to meet, greet and break bread with YOU!

You, your family and your congregations are invited to partake of a light meal and then engage in a relaxed exchange of information, ideas and dreams with each other and with Bishop Carlye.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 02/19/2019
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 02/19/2019

There's a place for us... at Diocesan Convention!

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye Hughes

Bishop Hughes reminds us that Diocesan Convention in not just one big business meeting, but also a place for the entire community to gather and remember just how diverse we are, just how big we are, just how many ways God blesses us.

Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 02/18/2019

Rejoice with me

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye Hughes at her consecration. CYNTHIA L. BLACK PHOTO

In her first post, Bishop Carlye Hughes says, "We have found something together, and we have found something wonderful, and we will continue to find things as God guides us into ministry."

Featured Expiration: 
Wed, 11/14/2018


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