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Bishop Hughes

The power of relationships

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

God has been doing new things among us during the pandemic: growing in the faith, sharing the faith, and caring for the community. Fueling these is the power of relationships, and Faith Groups are a place to build those relationships with each other and with God.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 03/04/2021

Opening our eyes

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

"It takes constantly working to open one's eyes," says Bishop Hughes. "It takes looking sometimes at really difficult things – things that hurt.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 02/18/2021

Let's walk bravely, boldly into the light

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

"For us in this time that has been pandemic, God has turned on a light," says Bishop Hughes. "We've been learning something about what the church could be. We've been learning something about who we are called to be as faithful people." (Time: 4:48.)

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 02/04/2021

Do not be afraid, shepherds (Christmas 2020 sermon)

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

In her Christmas sermon, Bishop Hughes reminds us, "It is Christmas, today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and every single day that we hear that call to not be afraid and to go looking for the sign of Jesus who is with us and near us and in us and in all of God's people the whole world over."

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 01/21/2021

A different way to walk through Advent

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

We're facing a Christmas that is different than any we have ever had. How do we walk through Advent in the midst of pandemic and division? Bishop Hughes shares the inspiration she found when she heard a new rendition of a favorite old hymn. (Time: 5:05.)

Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 01/01/2021

Make a sacred space

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Make a sacred space

Bishop Hughes shows her sacred space at home and talks about the importance of making a sacred space for ourselves, especially as we are facing a holiday season like none we have experienced before due to the Covid pandemic. (Time: 4:04.)

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 12/17/2020

God is with us for this big week and the work ahead

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

Noting that we stand at a crossroads this week, Bishop Hughes says, "A person could almost start to ask the question, 'How do we manage it all?' And I think it's important for us to remember, that we don't manage it all. That is the God who created us, the God who loves us, the God who remains with us, that we turn to to help us walk through it all." (Time: 5:07.)

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 12/03/2020

A blessed effort: Diocesan Communion on November 8

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Communion wafers

During these unusual circumstances, Bishop Hughes wants to ensure that everyone in the Diocese of Newark has the opportunity to receive Communion at least three times in this program year. In this video she invites members of the diocese to participate in – and pray for – the first Diocesan Communion on Sunday, November 8, 2020. (Time: 3:49.)

Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 11/20/2020


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