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The Anti-Racism Commission's new mission, vision and name

The. Rev. Jerry A. Racioppi
Anti-Racism Commission

After a spring of discernment resulting in a new mission and vision and a more direct name, the Anti-Racism Commission (formerly known as Namaste) looks forward to partnering with the new Commission on Racial Justice and  Healing and Racial History Committee to affect change in our diocese and beyond.

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Announcement Expiration: 
Tue, 11/02/2021
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Featured Expiration: 
Tue, 11/02/2021

Inspired by Bishop’s study group, St. Elizabeth's continues conversation

Pursuing Racial Reconciliation
Wendy Broadbent, Catherine Outen Olivo & Sandy Sullivan
Pursuing Racial Reconciliation

During January and February, three parishioners from St. Elizabeth’s, Ridgewood participated in Bishop Hughes’ six-week study group on Pursuing Racial Reconciliation through Scripture, Film, Word and Prayer.

Announcement Settings
Announcement Expiration: 
Mon, 06/21/2021
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Featured Expiration: 
Mon, 06/21/2021


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