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Lenten Meditation for Wednesday, April 12, 2017

lenten candles

I always find John’s Gospel to be a bit hard to understand – and this passage is no exception.

That is, for most of the passage, but when Jesus says that his soul is troubled in the first line, I think I know what Jesus and John are referring to.

Jesus knows what will happen to him very shortly – for this passage comes just after his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

Jesus doesn’t want to die – who does? Especially when you are a young, vibrant 33-year-old?

But, just as at his baptism, a voice from heaven comes to reassure Jesus.

Jesus tells the crowd to walk with the light, while they still have it – otherwise they will stumble around in the dark.

Jesus is our light – we stumble without him.

If we trust in Jesus that all will be well, and all manner of things will be well, we will continue in the light. But, if we stumble in the dark, and yet still believe in the light, we will become children of light. 

The Readings 

Psalm 55

Jeremiah 17:5-10, 14-17

Philippians. 4:1-13

John 12:27-36



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